Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Stand up and be heard

Death threats ? Really, Cmon folks. Kyle Williams will be a good pro and will do things in the future to hel the Niners win football games. Some idiots out there have taken things a little or a lot to far by having the cowards response to a human error by throwing death threats at Kyle Williams and his family.

I am very sure that Williams did not go out there with the intention of having two bonehead plays cost his team the game and a trip to the Super Bowl. The fact is that the Niners were ZERO for the game on 3rd down attempts. Do I believe that they could have taken the chance to win the game by going for at least two fourth down and very short in Giants territory? YES I do.

The Niners play a old fashioned brand of football and punted every time it was time to punt and they had done that for most of the season. The defense in the 2nd half was the best defense that the League has seen for a half.

Tough loss and Kyle Williams will have to bare this all of his life. The punishment more then fits the crime. Death Threats from people on line is a joke. Grow up fans it is a game.

You have a great coach and an identity. That is a lot because most teams in the NFL have no identity. The Niners will compete again for a chance at the Super Bowl within the next 5 years and will be a contender.

If you cowards out there want to threaten someone, show up and do it in person. No weapons though. Be an adult and do not stand behind your twitter account, or your facebook. I have no twitter or facebook. I will not sit there and tell people I just walked to the kitchen, what a wonderful walk.

There was a time where you would go to the store or on a drive and not be looking at your cell phone at all times. What did the world do when people would talk to one another and look someone in the eye to connect with your fellow man or woman.

Have a great day

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